It's a simple tale of finding love in the most unsuspecting places and a family's reaction to said romantic entanglement. Essentially it's Romeo and Juliet and Meet the Parents - except this time with everyone's favourite kaiju. So, closer to Beauty and the Beast or King Kong then. That's right - a young girl falls in love with Godzilla and brings him back home to meet her relatives where they both explain how they came to meet and seek permission to wed. Of course, the family are not best pleased. Running on hard times as it is, they are understandably hesitant to give their blessing when Godzilla destroys their neighbour's house. And Godzilla's short temper isn't really boosting their confidence.
Godzilla is dealing with his own criticism from friends Mothra and Pigmon (from Ultraman), and when the issue of Godzilla's own son, Minilla, is brought up, even more complications arise. Can Godzilla ever be with his one true love in a nation of people determined to destroy him once and for all? Well, chances are you're never going to see it, so the answer is...no.
I don't know who wrote this or came up with the idea, so I assume this is an original (non-sanctioned by Toho) work. In which case, kudos must go to all involved for putting together such a spirited and clever production. Obviously, creating a giant monster would be a struggle for even the biggest budgeted West End musical, so the team made some simple but effective decisions. Godzilla himself is simply a man in a suit (not MAN IN SUIT!!!! monster costume, but a business suit) on a slightly raised podium, only getting off for the odd rampage (complete with trademark roar). When in conversation with the humans at ground level, their eyes never meet but are in roughly the same direction, which works pretty well in that it allows for immediate interaction between the two parties. Also included is a reporter, complete with hard hat and microphone, who takes the place as narrator, whilst also broadcasting the destruction as much as the developing love story.
As you'd expect in a comedy drama about Godzilla, there are stacks of references, and because of the nature of the tale, the unenlightened would probably find the whole show equally baffling and boring. The appearance of Mothra (complete with cast singing his theme song alonside the tiny twins) is a highlight. Portrayed as a disshevelled and washed-up movie star prone to spraying his goo over anyone he dislikes, he's convinced Godzilla's romance is a bad idea from the get-go, reminding him that he will become even more unpopular than after his last film. And then there's the climatic battle with Ultraman. All delivered with the utmost enthusiasm from the cast and some very pretty lighting.
Of course, there are flaws as with any amateur stage production. Certain scenes are overlong and drawn out, particularly concering the family members' multiple concerns and complaints, even before Godzilla has shown up (the whole play lasted about 90 minutes if I recall correctly). And two thirds they way through, it becomes rather emotionally overwrought, turning into the soppy melodrama that it initially parodied, relying merely on the absurdity of the situation for comedic effect.
Nevertheless, it was a fascinating experience. And as you leave, the entire cast line up to bow and say their thanks, which was nice. With fine tuning and translating, maybe Godzilla will one day light up Broadway! But not in a smouldering radioactive breath way.
> > > Taiyaki Online
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